Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh C++ how I love you so

Well.. its been rough the last couple of weeks, but I have to check in to keep the blog going.. Must reach goal...anyways... I have been switched to day shift which I really hate, and it has been really affecting my family life and studying..

Switching to days have been tough.. for some reason working nights I was thinking a lot clearer, and maybe that is because it was against the norm..

I have been really struggling to find time to study C and also anything else I need that will take me to the next level of my goal, and that is to write a program that would help people with no speech.

I am off to the book store to try and find a book that well assist in me learning C++ and stuff about algorithms. Why algorithms? well not only does it go hand and hand with C and databases, but it appears that GOOGLE has contacted me for an interview..

Just so you know, I am not the smartest person in the world and from what I hear..their test are off the charts. It seems to me that you have to be a super Wiley coyote smart like genius to get in..but I cant turn down an interview with the big G...This is a once in a life time I must prepare for the battle or conquest to climb mount GOOGLE..

Friday, January 2, 2009

Steady Progress C++

I have managed to make some progress with C++ but still have a way to go. I am studying creating strings. As far as the taking the trip video / slide show.. hopefully I can have one up on youtube after about a week. Im going to be asking my wife and sister inlaw to help me take this on.

Well up and atom or adam! the day is short and I have a lot to do...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Highway Robbery

I decided to do some research to see what companies or organizations are out there that I may be able to collaborate with to get faster production or maybe add to what they already have existing. I guess I don't like to" reinvent the wheel" as they say, but I have to tell you that so far tonight I have gone to about 5 websites that claim to help kids with Autism and other disabilities. I know I have stated this in a previous blog but I am kinda peeved right now as I read through some of the prices. There are companies that are selling computers for 1000 bucks or more saying that it is the most updated for kids autism. Well that is really nice but I can get a machine from some of the corporate giants for about half of that at this time. I also so a site that says that it has written programs / software for kids of special needs, and all it is is repackaged crap that they actually use for ESL students. I am sure that it would help Autistic kids a little but all of these people. companies and organizations are missing the point.

You cant just lump autistic kids into a category with other disabilities and expect them to respond as the others. It isnt that way at all. They fail on so many levels. You have to write specifically for the autism community. Everything that is done should have these kids and adults in mind. You have to understand how they learn or process information. In addition to that these companies want to charge crazy amounts of money for their software and services. No doubt that some of the software will help like "travel with me". That software prepares a autistic child for travel. Is there any reason we should be charging 60 or more for it though?

These companies are exploiting parents and taking them for a ride big time. Most parents with autistic children don't have that kinda cash to put out like that, and I'm going to do something about it cause it is ridiculous that these people want to basically steal money from people that are struggling. I cant even say that it is the American way cause some of the companies are from the UK.

The funny thing is that all of these people are wondering why the world economy is the way it is now. Well its pretty simple to see that greed was in the drivers seat, and what makes it worse is that we all have to pay for it while greed continues to consume everything.

Well got new things on my list to do which should help take some stress off of those parents.


  1. create travel medium
  2. write facial expression program.
  3. write pecs program for nds
  4. write pecs program for touch based devices.

as said before I have a lot of work to do and if anyone out there has experience and wants to assist me please let me know email is

Santa stole my brain

Since last post I have been trying to swallow c++ as fast as possible to try and get the show on the road, but the holidays have really been whipping up on me. Has been so hard to focus basically cause there are so many things to do and not enough time.