Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Voice of the Voiceless - Choices

OK so with some research it seems as though I am not going to get to far unless I learn some C++. So that is on the to do list immediately. I have also found that it looks like iphone and the NDS lite are going to be the choices to write the program for. Reason for the two pieces of hardware are because the main target audience I want to do this for typically have some fine motor skill limitations. Being able to use something that it touch screen versus keypad is very important. The NDS and the iphone gives the kind of versatility that is needed. These two pieces of hardware are my choice and maybe we can port these over into new things once these two are tackled. Technology is changing constantly and maybe down the road I will find something better, but the main goal is to make these devices as portable and accessible to those that need them on a financial level.

I know it is going to be a long and daunting task but I know if I chip at it little by little I will arrive at my goal soon enough. The main part of the challenge is just finding the time between work and family to do this.

I don't know if quitting smoking at this point was a good thing. :\

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